
City with trust of its residents and users, city with face

hodnota fotka

Value description

A city with confidence of its residents and users is a city that perceives the need for bilateral effective communication both inside - towards citizens, businesses and media, and outside - towards the region, neighbouring regions, including foreign ones. Citizens identify themselves with the public administration, and it in turn reflects the views of its citizens and involves them in its  decision making.

Contribution to the city

A city with face has residents who feel high affinity for Brno, with its shared vision of the future, which will be consistent and not subject to political or lobbistic interests. Residents (individuals, including foreigners and businesses) trust both the public administration, whose decisions are transparent and can be traced back, and one another.


Simona Škarabelová

Independent consultant in marketing, fundraising, PR, and communications in the non-profit sector. She studied German Language and Literature and Economics at Masaryk University, where she also obtained a Doctorate in Economics. She worked at the Institute for NPO Marketing-Management at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, for five years she led the external relations of ESF MU, she worked in the Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations under the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. For 18 years, she has been working as an assistant professor in teaching students at Masaryk University, occasionally she has been involved in research at the Center for the Study of Non-Profit Organizations (at MU) and has been active in the non-profit cultural sector (Brno kulturní). She currently dedicates her energy to Nadace Partnerství (Partnership Foundation), to her students at MU, and her work at the Brno City Council's commission on culture.

primary Ensure strong affinity of citizens (individuals and companies) with "their" city

Strength of affinity to the current situation of the city  


61 % (39% residents feel very strongly identified with Brno, 22% strongly

80 % (sum of very strongly and strongly)

entire city

other Use of all available forms of communication and technology for equal involvement of all population groups in communication with public administrations.

Share of inhabitants of Brno using this or that communication channel within individual groups (adults, pensioners, foreigners, disabled, etc.)


In 2009, citizens were regularly informed about the city's activities: from the city district newsletters (31%), intermediately (23%), regional TV broadcast (23%), regional radio stations (17%), Metropolitan (17%), from the internet (14%), etc. - CAUTION - must be observed by target groups!

20 - 30 % within each target group

entire city

other Strengthen mutual trust among residents.

Mutual trust among residents.


59 % (in Brno have trust "decidedly Yes" 6% residents, "rather Yes" 53 %)

90 % (sum of decidedly Yes and rather Yes )

entire city

other Not disrupt the declared at generally shared vision of the city, or its face, with nonconceptual - political-lobbistic interventions

Number of attempts to lobbistically influence the public administration with the goal to push forward private interest. This implies an e-governance system with public scrutiny of the consistency of political representation's decisions.

real number of units (number of affairs reported in media)

Not observed; there is a doubt whether such an indicator can be captured, or have a valid methodology.


entire city

other Enhance engagement of residents in local planning and decision making.

Involvement of residents in local planning, attempts to influence or comment on the work of local civil servants and politicians.


10,2 % (Yes vs. 86,2 % No)

40 %

entire city

other Endeavour to make people satisfied with opportunities and options to engage in local planning and decision making.

Satisfaction with opportunities and options to engage in local planning and decision making


31 % (3% very satisfied, 28% rather satisfied)

60 %

entire city

Citizens' comments on the proposed value

Odbor sociální péče

Cíl „Působit na angažovanost obyvatel…“ Pro dosažení tohoto cíle je nutné adekvátně plánovací procesy zabezpečit – především po stránce personální. V případě procesu Komunitního plánování sociálních služeb tomu tak v Brně dlouhodobě není. Obdobně platí i pro další stanovený cíl „Usilovat u obyvatel o spokojenost s možnostmi …“.