Unlike the urban zoning plan, which every city should have, a city is not required to have a development strategy. We do not want the city to develop based on ad-hoc decisions. We want Brno to develop systematically, with a clear vision of its future, together with you.

Based on cooperation with experts and the involvement of you, the citizens of Brno, we have prepared a fundamental document „Vision of Brno in 2050“. Its updated form was approved by Brno councillors in September 2020.

According to the strategic vision, we subsequently updated the follow-up plan of the City of Brno for the next 10 years, which was approved by the city councillors in March 2021.

By 2022, a list of concrete projects for the coming years was being created, which are gradually materialising in the streets of Brno. So that the vision does not remain just on paper but turns Brno into a confident city that will be the envy of the whole world. Or at least Europe.