When our children have their own families, how will it be with the city's resources? How will technical infrastructure work, how will energy and mobility work? Will we really be able to make the most of our potential?


Help us build a long-term view of how to work with the resources of our city.

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Value description

Brno is aware of the great material and energy demands of the operation and development of the city. It supports the use and circulation of materials and nutrients in the city for as long as possible in the highest quality and their return to circulation. It creates closed cycles that eliminate waste streams and create, for example, new jobs in sustainable development areas. Closed cycles of materials and nutrients help the city become self-sufficient and less dependent on external change.

Contribution to the city

Maximum possible use of materials within the city brings self-sufficiency to the city, development of local economy, creation of new jobs and, in particular, the creation of a healthy space to which the residents of the city are actively involved. The city, businesses and individuals perceive waste as resources, eliminating its creation and reducing the costs that can be spent on developing the city according to the citizens' preferences.

Current status


Future status



Soňa Jonášová

Director of the Institute of Circular Economics (INCIEN). She is a graduate of Mendel University's Agricultural Engineering study programme. Since 2015, she is the director of INCIEN, actively involved in the transition from linear to circular system of economy in the Czech Republic. INCIEN is responsible for development activities and cooperation with key stakeholders in the Czech Republic and abroad. Its main interests are the closure of biological cycles and technical cycles within the framework of sustainable development of society, which are areas that are intervening in agriculture, development of new economies, waste management, eco-innovations, support of local and community activities with the goal of creating a healthy society and ecosystems.

goalindicatorunitactual valuefuture valueterritorial projection
primární Utilization of the maximum potential of materials available at the city level.

Degree of material flow recycling


20 - 30 %

60 - 80 %

Brno metropolitan area

další Sustainable water source management

Creating a strategy for management of water sources, their re-use, recycling, and ensuring their harmlessness for inhabitants and the ecosystem of the city and its surroundings.

Increase the percentage of recycling and reuse.

Brno metropolitan area

další Creation of jobs related to the circular economy.

number of jobs


not available

Brno metropolitan area

další New pilot enterprizes established with the purpose of processing materials / resources / waste originating in the city.

Number of newly established enterprizes in new areas. Emergence of testing zones for pilot projects and innovative ideas.


not available

About 20 new enterprizes

Brno metropolitan area + Brno countryside

další Utilization of waste flows in the manufacturing enterprizes for inputs to following enterprizes.

Maximum utilization of energy and material flows between enterprizes and manufacturing entities.



20% of waste flows generated by manufacturing enterprizes become resources for following enterprizes. Waste is used at the city level.

Brno metropolitan area

další Use of vacant urban areas / green areas / agricultural land for a production function - food production.

Care of soil, maintaining land stock used for agricultural and other production related to securing the city's self-sufficiency.

Reduced share of agricultural land occupation


30% of the vacant urban areas are used for their production function - ensuring food self-sufficiency.

Brno metropolitan area

další Green procurement system

A functioning system of green procurement with regard not to the price, but to the use of secondary raw materials (recycled materials) with regard to the place of production - the preference of local origin.

yes / no

not used

Standard public procurement practice

Brno metropolitan area + Brno countryside

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Citizens' comments on the proposed value

Petra kameníková

27 July 2017
Value description
Myslím, že by bylo vhodné více motivovat občany k tídění odpadů, velice mi v Brně chybí např. hnědé kontejnery.
Garant reaction
Děkujeme za Váš komentář, se zaměřením na biologicky rozložitelné odpady, jejich tříděním a dalším využítím v rámci Vize určitě počítáme. Bioodpad už se pilotně zavádí v Masarykově čtvrti a osvědčí-li se, bude určitě ve všech vhodných zástavbách města. Systémy motivace jsou rozpracované.
Contribution to the city
Celkové zefektivnění odpadového hospodářství.

Veronika Dombrovská

29 July 2017
Contribution to the city
Velkým přínosem by podle mě bylo, kdyby musela každá nová budova automaticky mít tzv. zelenou střechu. Skvěle to funguje v Dánsku: http://en.klimatilpasning.dk/media/704006/1017_sJ43Q6DDyY.pdf Takové střechy nejen že pročišťují městský vzduch, ale zároveň mohou skvěle sloužit k tzv. urban farming a vytvořit několik nových prac. míst.
Garant reaction
Děkujeme za Váš podnět, zeleným střechám a dalším způsobům rozšíření zeleně ve městech i ploch pro produkci potravin se budeme detailněji věnovat v průběhu podzimu při formulaci konkrétních opatření do roku 2025 a prvního akčního plánu do roku 2020. Dílčí cíl k rozšíření zeleně ve městech naleznete v případě Vašeho zájmu v hodnotě \"Zeleň ve městě\" v pilíři Kvalita života.

Hana Chalupská

30 July 2017
territorial projection
Opatření motivující všechny investory k naplnění této hodnoty je vhodné vložit do zadání nového územního plánu.
Garant reaction
S připomínkou lze v zásadě souhlasit. Lze také předpokládat, že jakákoliv nová ÚPD bude sledovat strategické cíle města.