Quality of life

Balanced city

hodnota fotka

Value description

The value of a spatially and functionally balanced city lies in reasonable time and space accessibility of various urban functions and services. It consists in bringing the centers of everyday activities (such as shopping, education, health care, sports and, to some extent, work) as close as possible to the places of residence. The everyday life of a balanced city can take place on the scale of a city district, where various centres of activity can be linked by walking or mass transport, without the need for long commuting.

Contribution to the city

A balanced city brings several areas of change. We can expect traffic burden reduction, both on the metropolitan scale (if we apply the polycentric principle even within the Brno city area), and on the inner-city scale. It reduces the risk of "locking in" certain groups of people, especially those less mobile, in locations with poor access to services. The community and the diversity of city districts as a natural unit of the everyday social and economic life of the population will be partially strengthened.


Ondřej Mulíček

Assistant Professor at the Geographical Institute of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno. He focuses on teaching and research in the field of social geography, applied research and applied studies in space-time planning and mobility. From 1999 to 2002 he worked as a city development manager at the Brno City Municipality.

primary Spatially balanced development of living polyfunctional centers in the city and the Brno metropolitan area

number of local centres; it is necessary to create a working definition of a local centre based on the offer of functions and daily turnover of persons


Brno metropolitan area

average number of types of services available in the local centres; it is necessary to create a working definition of a local centre based on the offer of functions and daily turnover of persons


Brno metropolitan area

average surface size of the catchment area of a local center; it is necessary to create a working definition of a local centre and outline of a catchment area based on the offer of functions, daily turnover of persons and geolocation data


Brno metropolitan area

other City of short distances

share of residents who have basic service functions within walking distance (500 m/10 mins); must be found out about on the basis of a spatial analysis, it is necessary to define the range of basic functions



share of residents who have basic service functions within 10 minutes' distance by public transport; must be found out about on the basis of a spatial analysis, it is necessary to define the range of basic functions


Brno / Brno metropolitan area

average time of commute for work and to schools (estimate based on Census 2011 data, must be verified from a different type of geolocation data - such as data of mobile operators)


about 20-25 mins for Brno, 25-30 mins for the Brno metropolitan area

comparable or lower than the current value

Brno / Brno metropolitan area

Citizens' comments on the proposed value

Panagiotis Palias

Value description
Promote telecommuting where applicable to reduce traffic on the streets during business hours, as well as reduce employer costs (space rent, utilities) and employee costs (fare, time spent on the road). This can be achieved with quality domestic internet connections, not necessarily high speed ones, but high internet speed never hurt anyone of course.
Garant reaction
We will collect your comments and ideas until the end of July. The guarantors (ambassadors) will go through them during the August. After that, in September, your ideas will be displayed on our website.

Hana Chalupská

Territorial projection
Opatření motivující všechny investory k naplnění této hodnoty je vhodné vložit do zadání nového územního plánu.